The next morning I took out their curlers and yes, Kya is wearing makeup. She is really girly and requested some. We put on eyeshadow and a little bronzing blush...she actually took over the blush brush and did that herself. I sent her home with one of my extra brushes because she loved it so much. The girls are posing with the posters I got for their birthdays...of which they just happen to have found on accident. They still have to wait until their birthdays to take them home.
Kya is funny. She changes moods very fast. I wasn't able to do more with her hair beyond taking out the curlers and separating the curls. She put the headband in her own hair. She also wouldn't let me get many photos of her "makeover". She wasn't really in the mood.
Kari, however wanted pictures taken and kept posing for me. It was cute! Kari's hair turned out really pretty! She has thick hair and it held the curls really well. She is not wearing any make-up.
Later, Kari and Kya's parents came to get them. My mom came over also and we all ate breakfast. It was good! Too, bad we all had to squish around my little table. It worked out okay though.